Saturday, August 29, 2009

Faishion Tv Without Clothes

Pucara bits * audiovisual collective formed by Laura Colombo, Mauro Hernan Paez and Bull "perception Metrics "Aylen Crusta

Pucara bits * audiovisual collective formed by Laura Colombo, Mauro Paez, Hernan Bula

[ / pucarabits]
Teatro Real
21 and September 22, 2009
"Time as a continuum or arrow from the past to the future does not exist. It's just a perception, a construction that makes the brain to order events, so they make sense. The target time, which measures the clock, is a human social construction. We have invented the time. "


"Metric of a perception" is an audiovisual collective intervention video Pucara Bits * blinds income on the Royal Theatre, located in the city of Cordoba, Argentina. The

plot is about the time an invention, as a social / human q tries to make sense and order in our daily life events perceived. Time expands, contracts, or stopped, is flexible and fluctuates according the experiences of the subjects, mutations in terms of stimuli and their internal biological and psychological variables.

contemporary way of life happens so fast that we are forced to join the social rate / capitalist imperative. In this attempt to meet this temporary external / imposed, we increasingly distancing of our desires, our relationships and our relationship with things natural. As says Carl Honore in his book In Praise of Slowness, "is inevitable that a fast-paced life becomes superficial. When we hurry, rub the surface and fail to establish real contact with the world or other people." * Bits
Pucara is a group that researches and produces audiovisual within the field of veejing, video art, installations, interactive art, urban interventions among other symptoms. Formed in early 2009 in the city of Córdoba / Argentina by Laura Colombo, Mauro Paez, Hernan Bula, artists from the audiovisual production, graphic design and visual arts. / pucarabits -

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Different Types Of Cravat

Mercedes Mila