Thursday, November 19, 2009

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This crisis is a blip, the wheelchair is permanent

Sportsman, adventurer and founder Urkan Kayak, canoe sales leader in Spain and Portugal, Arza Antxón part yesterday in the main part of the series of lectures at the Technological Institute of Castilla and León (ITCL). Graduate

in a wheelchair for nine years, the life of the athlete and adventurer Pamplona Antxón Arza, a member of the team, TVE program "The Edge of the Impossible" and invited yesterday the Technological Institute of Castilla and León ( ITCL), is a perfect witness, and end constant motivation to excel and face of adversity. His paraplegia, resulting from a fall on the canoe from a jump of about 15 meters into the river Yuruaní (Venezuela) not only has not prevented him keep paddling through the rivers of the world as he has always liked, but it has become a reference entrepreneur Urkan Kayak signature, a distributor of canoes, which he founded twenty years ago to finance their expeditions and is now a leader in sales in Spain and Portugal.
does it feel more, do businessman or athlete?
I athlete and businessman, and also dedicate myself to explain how being confined to a wheelchair can stay in the game and lead an active life. My employer status allows me to also make an analogy between the sporting life and business life.

To read the full interview, click here. Published (19/11/2009)

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Rosalba Aguirre, the humble warrior special athletics

There are people for whom the simplest things can mean a great achievement, and that is Rosalba Aguirre Tapia, special athlete Friday receive from the governor's recognition that endorse the winner of State Award for Sport and the State Award of Merit for Sport.

At 18 years old, Rosalba has proven to be of the best special athletes in the country, and even run the 400 and 800 meters, its strengths are the 5 km walk, has stood and won even a second World what has caused it to be ranked as the most outstanding athlete of Michoacan in 2009.

Although in its sports curriculum are increasingly less space to write so many medals it has won both state, national, and international Rosalba unfolds like any girl her age, does not boast or feel more, contrary, always has his mind set on excel and help others.

Who is Rosalba Aguirre?

Rosalba is a member of a family of seven children, Marisela, 29, Teresa, 28, Jessica, 27, Marilu 25, she 18, 16 and Flavio Cristian 12. Who formed this family were his parents, José Manuel Aguirre Calderón Tapia Perez and Martha.

is simple and humble, and the owner of a pure, noble and selfless heart. When I was in the preschool level was diagnosed the problem of low IQ so he had to first receive special education before taking the adventure of going to a mainstream school.

Many doubted that he could study at the same time as children without this problem, but never doubted Rosalba and such was his effort that managed to finish their secondary education without any problems, although in the end, with just a year spent in school, we said goodbye to the studios.

- Why did you study?

"Because my teachers association were never to speak as he did, in what discipline was in high school asked permission but never told my disability because I'm normal like everyone else and if I will start to make me more! but not spent in preparation for the first issue coming out a lot and it was almost at school and because I made it very difficult and I did not understand him. "

What for some is synonymous with rest or relaxation by the fact no longer attending classes, meeting with homework and getting up early, Rosalba was the cause of a great depression, and such was the crisis faced in that time he had to undergo treatment.

"Sometimes I feel sad or bad because I can not do what I want," adding: "I wanted to be a physical education teacher and now I throw I could not win the game to see how I can support people who want to play sports but not as a teacher. "

certainly raise the issue of education is something that affects you, so his look was sad and in an attempt not to let apathy take possession of it, continue with the interview.

- How forays into athletics?

"He drove me to the sport was Emilio Peralta base and he was racing because we were invited to state and started going to events. Athletics is a sport that helps me for my health to be well, to be in good energies, in good positions, have better discipline, develop my mind and have positive thoughts, as I have always been positive. "

certainly in sport, Rosalba found an ideal space to grow and excel, was several times national champion, won the Ibero-American Games in Colombia and slipped into second place in the 5 kilometers in the Global Games World Republic Czech. Rosalba

But no matter whether a national or international event for all the events have much meaning, but there is one of those moments that keeps with special affection in his heart, his first World Cup in Sweden in 2004.

The girl who loves the color pink that she's single conviction and not for lack of suitors, says he never wanted to play sports for money or recognition, perhaps more so for her to give him money for have both state award winner (along with Emilio and Rosa Emma Reyna Montes) and the award of merit, is not what matters to you, but being able to watch the parade from the balcony of Government House.

"The truth will never win because I figured I'd put my papers and even before I got it. I said, mom why I did not win if I go out too, me too won medals ... but I did not know what it was like and my biggest dream was to be up there in the box next to the governor, watching the parade, not so much to give me recognition. " It's that simple

is Rosalba, enjoying every moment of life, his family, loves dancing and dreams of one day being able to take courses adapted sports to help people like her, that somehow children have some form disability.

As regards sports, the goal is fixed, you get to the Paralympics in London in 2012, and although it has been shortlisted for this purpose, he knows that is not yet free of marks to ensure that, work and give their all, because as she says:

"I still have much to give, that's not all, is to keep pouring forward and keep working very hard to go to London in 2012, is an illusion too big for me "he concluded. Rosalba

phrases "My disability is not that you see a defect in the body or face, intellectual disability is due to a slow learner, I sometimes confuse things and you do not understand people, or you're wrong when you talk, I may not notice me, but as a study and react. "

"Maybe people think that our effort is not as of conventional and non-athletes is, the opposite is more strict, more dedicated to that person because it is a different discipline. " Published (19/11/2009)

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A decade

Since 2001, Burjassot Adere has added seven titles of Spain's basketball champion, a runner and a bronze.

past three seasons, Burjassot Adere is the National Basketball Dominating for people with intellectual disabilities. Last month, in San Fernando, won their third consecutive championship in Spain. Basketball is the sport star of a club that also has section football, table tennis, swimming, bowls ... and that for 17 years, working for people with intellectual disabilities in sport on an equal footing. Third straight title

Adere Burjassot Club successfully defended the title of champion of Spain in the final after defeating his closest rival, the Hercesa Madrid on 37-34, "was very exciting. In the third set we lost by 7 points, but managed to overcome the absence of a second for the final got a triple with which force the overtime. In injury time, again a triple in the final seconds, gave us this time, the victory " José Gisbert highlights, the team leader and father of one of the players. To reach the final before, Burjassot Adere had been top of their group after beating Calatrava de Castilla La Mancha (45-21) tied Zaragoza (28-7) and San Cebrián de Castilla y Leon (41-7).

Nine years in the elite
The Burjassot Adere has an impeccable track record over the past nine years. Since 2001 has not lowered the podium with an impressive balance of seven championship titles, one second place and third place. The team consists of players from 22 to more than 40 years of age.

An exemplary club
Although basketball is the sport in most noteworthy, the club Adere Burjassot, chaired by Julio Talavera, a person who has worked for adapted sports in Valencia, also has section football, table tennis, swimming and bocce. As a family

Adere All members are like one big family. Each contributing their bit to keep things running smoothly. Are now seventeen years with the club that has them has established itself as a benchmark in the sport for people with intellectual disabilities. Totally amateur

The club, which has the support of the City of Burjassot, among other things, gave them the flag covered to train and play, remains basically thanks to the contributions of the partners, lottery sales, etc.

Sports and more sports activity also perform many other social activities throughout the year.

Article published in (19/11/2009)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

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uploaded to the podium first positive balance of Adapted Sports Program

Councillor for Sports, Manuel Chicon, along with the mayor of Social Rights, Dolores Garcia, presented this Thursday 12 November the first assessment of Adapted Sports Program "Integra Antequera, with a very positive assessment.

Program which was launched in December last year, aims to provide people with disabilities the opportunity to practice sports achieving educational goals, sports, rehabilitation and integration. Furthermore, the initiative is a pioneer in the province, being the driving Antequera to introduce the sport-tuned as part of schools' standard. "

adapted sports program has covered a range of multidisciplinary activities have been framed within a school sports and some complementary activities have been developed outside the normal sports environment, such as skiing or sailing, with the aim of improving self-esteem User and benefit their social integration.

Part of the program has been funded through the collaboration of companies Audiolis, San Roque and Servicon Muffin. Published (18/11/2009)

Monday, November 16, 2009

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Benefits of aquatic therapy for people with disabilities

Councilman of Sports City and FAAM de Almeria (Almeria Federation of Associations of People with Disabilities) are collaborating in the studio Hydrotherapy, which began last October in the pool of Almadrabillas (Almería) . Of this activity are benefiting ten people with physical disabilities severely affected, all users of the Center for Seriously Affected managed by FAAM. An activity carried out with the cooperation of the Board of Sports City of Almeria.

The objectives of aquatic therapy are improve the physical condition of users through sport : maintaining and improving the psycho-emotional balance, maintain muscle strength, eliminate allergies, decrease muscle tone, reduce spasticity and maintain joint range. The sport-tuned

aid personal and social development and provides one of the benefits that we take into account , which is the psychological nature such as self-improvement and social inclusion.

There is a desire by the sports council in continuing to work FAAM not only their bodies but also to move the sport suitable for all social groups working for people with disabilities. Published (16/11/2009)

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Closes the real cycle visual and wanted to thank all the artists who participated in the technical Charli Garcia and Jorge Ballejos, who made the endurance, Rafael Reyeros and all the guards Ricardo.

Juan Paz, Emily Barbosa, Leonardo Murua Murua and Ariel, Marisol San Jorge, Adrian Bertol, DT6, Carmen Cachin, Juan Der Hairabedian, Maria Silvia Chianalino, José María Miranda, Aylén Crusta , Gabriela Sehring, Luli Chalub, Fred and Andrew Weninger Torregiani, Juan Juarez, Henrik Hedinger, Veronica Meloni, Celeste Oliva, Oscar Benedectti, Mariano Luna, Juan Ignacio Inmates, Soledad Sanches Carolina Vergara, Gustavo Rios, Belen Romero Grunset, Laura Colombo, Mauro Paez, Hernan Bula, Maximiliano Murad, Franco Trintinaglia, The Fund, Mariu Brigman and Martin, Claudio Ziperovich, Alejandro Londero, Angelina Echenique, Ismael Rodríguez, Daniel Sosa Caba.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

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Immigration costing both legs and eleven years of his life in crossing

an immigrant could be more but the history of this 30-year-old Nigerian different connotations for the rest of their compatriots after eleven years of immigration have cost him lose both legs and use a prosthesis. His name is Bright

Godtime and their beginnings are similar to those of other young people the country who chose to pack to look for a better life in the continent dreamed Europe. However

this young man for two months living in the Temporary Centre for Immigrants (CETI), has spent the most bitter moments of this phenomenon because of the suffering he has endured since he left Nigeria in 1998.

In an interview with Efe, Godtime Bright, eager to know its history, said that "the threat of being killed for my beliefs led me to leave Nigeria", for which he took his mother's savings.

He went to Niger and into the desert in the company of other black Africans. "I was 19 and toured Algeria and Morocco, where I arrived on June 98 and it took two months from Benin to Oujda, where the forest gave us shelter for six and a half years. "

In this time remember that survives" by the charity of Moroccans they gave us food and clothing but would not stay here ", located east of Morocco, so he waited to catch a train ticket to Rabat.

the night of February 12, 2005 could buy a ticket though acknowledges: "My passport was devoid of legality but not keep me from buying a ticket but when I was in the train I pushed, I fell to the tracks with the bad luck that the train started moving and I realized that I had trapped legs.

Their dreams were complicated. "I lost the lower extremities were amputated which I awoke in a hospital, I saw the legs and went back to faint."

spent four months in hospital of Oujda until he came to Doctors Without Borders, which gave him a prosthesis and in June 2005, the NGO I moved to Rabat, where he provided an apartment and a small allowance.


But Bright had to return to the street to beg a year, "as he says, wanted to earn my own money" and in 2008 he met the Moroccan Association for Disabled Athletes, "Which gave me the opportunity to train and participate in Paralympic competition."

With documents in hand, show evidence of participation in the "Meeting International D'Athletisme Handicapés Marrakech pour du Maro 2009" where he won several titles in shot put, javelin and disc.

Earlier this year, traveled to distant location Castillejos, 7 km from the border with Ceuta, "where a man, to tell my story, told me to take your vehicle to Ceuta and crossed the border only with accreditation of athletes. "

Grateful to those who have given their support, especially Doctors Without Borders, this young Nigerian, and 30 years, wants to "continue as Paralympian in Spain."

Now, sorry, expect an answer to his request for political asylum and spend hours watching their diplomas and dreaming of being a Paralympian. Time will tell what happens.

EFE (11/15/2009) Veracruz

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

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The athlete and winner of several medals, Mario Davalos Romero, who sentenced him to move polio for life in a wheelchair, takes After a tour of southern Mexico to the attention of the authorities to provide better care for people with disabilities.

Upon arrival in the city of San Cristobal de Las Casas, Davalos Romero said the journey of three thousand miles makes it began last April 10 in the city of Xalapa, Veracruz, which includes a visit to the city Cancun, Quintana Roo to return to their place of origin.

Mario Davalos Romero, disabled athletes 40 years old, said that this voyage aims to generate among the population and the authorities a culture of respect for the rights of persons with disabilities.

Excited about the trip and with the firm intention of fighting for the rights of people with disabilities physical, intellectual or sensory impairment, the athlete Veracruz reported that the date needed infrastructure and high discrimination still exists in this sector of the population.

noted the need to spread among society a culture of awareness to the public and closed spaces, through which passes this sector, ie, ramps, sidewalks, restrooms, elevators and other places.

No matter the weather, Davalos Romero arrives to the city to invite people who have a disabled person to get them out of their homes because they will never integrate in society, he said.

Mario Davalos Romero, from the city of Veracruz, and also owner of the Neptune Club on wheelchair, and provides complete later this year its ultimate goal is the city of Xalapa, Veracruz.

mentioned that since she was six months old, as a result of sequelae of poliomyelitis, has this problem that he has never been an obstacle to succeed.

With a small team as a tent, backpack and suitcase strapped to his bike and bitter cold and persistent rain, the Veracruz went to the city of Palenque, as part of one of the scales from their long journey.

The authority itself is supporting the Federal Highway Police, which has escorted by the different roads you've traveled in the state of Chiapas.

Mario Davalos Romero said to cover the cost of travel has requested the support of businesses and the authorities, but in the case of San Cristobal de Las Casas did not get the support of the City. Veracruz

athlete is a winner of 80 medals in National Games in wheelchairs, making marks to travel to England, Hong Kong and other countries "but did not support me, just grabbed me the Bow-Tie" he said.

Published (11/11/2009)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

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country 'handbike', a sport or a lifestyle

On Monday, Day 2, enjoy a medianometraje (either short or long) that gave us the association Ibili on sport and disability in the Rochapea Civivox. When I say we enjoy doing very seriously, because we realized that there are heroes with us and when you tell the story of one of them get excited, you do it as their own and feeling grateful for their efforts more motivated.

There are people who struggle. Yes, fight with and against life, and despite all the adverse conditions, to achieve the desired individual balance for good health and able to perform all that is required every day.

This would be the

WHO Utopia that everyone lived in good health every day. Well, the Utopia of Philip and company is the desire to achieve and enjoy freedom, understood them and for them. To achieve this freedom, good health, the tool is used by the sedentary forgotten: the sport.

And here is where the bike handbike hand or a sport-tuned, suffering and joy at the same time, Olympic and competitive, lively and pioneer, with a great future ahead and wanting to settle in our land. You are all

invited to see the trailer on Youtube writing handbike utopia in the form, and if you feel like watching the entire documentary suppose that the association will help you get it. Published (6/11/1909)