Wednesday, November 18, 2009

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uploaded to the podium first positive balance of Adapted Sports Program

Councillor for Sports, Manuel Chicon, along with the mayor of Social Rights, Dolores Garcia, presented this Thursday 12 November the first assessment of Adapted Sports Program "Integra Antequera, with a very positive assessment.

Program which was launched in December last year, aims to provide people with disabilities the opportunity to practice sports achieving educational goals, sports, rehabilitation and integration. Furthermore, the initiative is a pioneer in the province, being the driving Antequera to introduce the sport-tuned as part of schools' standard. "

adapted sports program has covered a range of multidisciplinary activities have been framed within a school sports and some complementary activities have been developed outside the normal sports environment, such as skiing or sailing, with the aim of improving self-esteem User and benefit their social integration.

Part of the program has been funded through the collaboration of companies Audiolis, San Roque and Servicon Muffin. Published (18/11/2009)


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