Sunday, November 15, 2009

Panty House Wrestling

Immigration costing both legs and eleven years of his life in crossing

an immigrant could be more but the history of this 30-year-old Nigerian different connotations for the rest of their compatriots after eleven years of immigration have cost him lose both legs and use a prosthesis. His name is Bright

Godtime and their beginnings are similar to those of other young people the country who chose to pack to look for a better life in the continent dreamed Europe. However

this young man for two months living in the Temporary Centre for Immigrants (CETI), has spent the most bitter moments of this phenomenon because of the suffering he has endured since he left Nigeria in 1998.

In an interview with Efe, Godtime Bright, eager to know its history, said that "the threat of being killed for my beliefs led me to leave Nigeria", for which he took his mother's savings.

He went to Niger and into the desert in the company of other black Africans. "I was 19 and toured Algeria and Morocco, where I arrived on June 98 and it took two months from Benin to Oujda, where the forest gave us shelter for six and a half years. "

In this time remember that survives" by the charity of Moroccans they gave us food and clothing but would not stay here ", located east of Morocco, so he waited to catch a train ticket to Rabat.

the night of February 12, 2005 could buy a ticket though acknowledges: "My passport was devoid of legality but not keep me from buying a ticket but when I was in the train I pushed, I fell to the tracks with the bad luck that the train started moving and I realized that I had trapped legs.

Their dreams were complicated. "I lost the lower extremities were amputated which I awoke in a hospital, I saw the legs and went back to faint."

spent four months in hospital of Oujda until he came to Doctors Without Borders, which gave him a prosthesis and in June 2005, the NGO I moved to Rabat, where he provided an apartment and a small allowance.


But Bright had to return to the street to beg a year, "as he says, wanted to earn my own money" and in 2008 he met the Moroccan Association for Disabled Athletes, "Which gave me the opportunity to train and participate in Paralympic competition."

With documents in hand, show evidence of participation in the "Meeting International D'Athletisme Handicapés Marrakech pour du Maro 2009" where he won several titles in shot put, javelin and disc.

Earlier this year, traveled to distant location Castillejos, 7 km from the border with Ceuta, "where a man, to tell my story, told me to take your vehicle to Ceuta and crossed the border only with accreditation of athletes. "

Grateful to those who have given their support, especially Doctors Without Borders, this young Nigerian, and 30 years, wants to "continue as Paralympian in Spain."

Now, sorry, expect an answer to his request for political asylum and spend hours watching their diplomas and dreaming of being a Paralympian. Time will tell what happens.

EFE (11/15/2009) Veracruz


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