Thursday, November 19, 2009

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This crisis is a blip, the wheelchair is permanent

Sportsman, adventurer and founder Urkan Kayak, canoe sales leader in Spain and Portugal, Arza Antxón part yesterday in the main part of the series of lectures at the Technological Institute of Castilla and León (ITCL). Graduate

in a wheelchair for nine years, the life of the athlete and adventurer Pamplona Antxón Arza, a member of the team, TVE program "The Edge of the Impossible" and invited yesterday the Technological Institute of Castilla and León ( ITCL), is a perfect witness, and end constant motivation to excel and face of adversity. His paraplegia, resulting from a fall on the canoe from a jump of about 15 meters into the river Yuruaní (Venezuela) not only has not prevented him keep paddling through the rivers of the world as he has always liked, but it has become a reference entrepreneur Urkan Kayak signature, a distributor of canoes, which he founded twenty years ago to finance their expeditions and is now a leader in sales in Spain and Portugal.
does it feel more, do businessman or athlete?
I athlete and businessman, and also dedicate myself to explain how being confined to a wheelchair can stay in the game and lead an active life. My employer status allows me to also make an analogy between the sporting life and business life.

To read the full interview, click here. Published (19/11/2009)


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